The Maritime Silk Road International Documentary Film Festival

The Maritime Silk Road International Documentary Film Festival

發佈日期: 2024 年 8 月 22 日

As a co-organizer of the 2023 1st Maritime Silk Road International Documentary Festival, CNEX invites representatives from international documentary festivals, production companies, broadcastings,streaming platforms, and project directors or producers to participate in the “Closed-door Meeting” , “Asian Documentary Panel Discussion”, “WIP Pitching Forum” “Project Promotion” and other sessions.


The Maritime Silk Road International Documentary Film Festival (MSRDOC), guided by the spirit of “peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit”, utilizes documentary film as a medium to continuously boost the creation, exchange, and promotion of documentaries among countries and regions along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. It aims to build an open, equal, mutually beneficial, and win-win international platform for cultural exchanges and industry cooperation within global documentary industry. 

In 2023, the 1st MSRDOC was successfully held in Quanzhou with more than 400 participants attended. They are representatives of production and broadcasting agencies, scholars, directors and producers from over 40 countries, including France, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and Cambodia, During the festival, they shared their experiences and innovative achievements in the field of documentary films, and explored the possibility of talent development, cultural exchanges and industrial cooperation. Many festival directors joined the MSRDOC last year, such as Mathieu Béjot, the former Strategy and Development Director of Sunny Side of the Doc in France; Paul Lewis, the Executive Director of HOT DOCS International Documentary Festival in Canada; Yukihiko Amagi, the president of Tokyo Docs.


About 2023 MSRDOC sessions

Closed-door Meeting

MSRDOC will continue to promote exchanges and dialogue among different civilizations, discussing the executable way to promote the cooperation between Asian and Global countries. To achieve this goal, MSRDOC has set up a special “Artistic Committee” with Festival directors, broadcasting and streaming platform producers, experts and scholars as its member and issued an initiative in 1st MSRDOC.  


WIP Pitching Forum

Unlike other pitching forums, projects coming to our WIP are all recommended by the festival directors. The projects we are looking for are those who are looking for co-production, broadcasting or funding opportunities with Chinese decision makers. Among the projects selected and pitched last year, two have been completed and one has been selected and screened by the Shanghai International Film Festival 2024.


Asian Documentary Forum

Starting from creative practices, the forum will bring together heads and chairpersons of Asian and Famous documentary festivals, representatives from production companies and broadcasting organizations, as well as filmmakers. This year we look forward to proposing more valuable issues from the changes in the world, thereby promoting the development of the Asian documentary industry.


Project Promotion

We hope the completed projects can find more distribution opportunities in this session. The Projects will promote to the participators who are distributions, producers, broadcasters, and streaming platform decision-makers from all over the world.


CCDF-15/ IFG-4 入選提案公告
  15屆CNEX華人紀錄片提案大會(2024 CCDF-15)入選提案出爐!本屆CCDF及IFG兩個單元共有192件徵件報名,再創收件數新高!經五位資深初選評審熱烈討論後,加上自新北市紀錄片獎、IM影展、新鮮提案、文策院TCCF、以及東南亞的Docs by the Sea紀錄片訓練營邀請參加的製作中紀錄片提案,共有20組提案入選,主題豐富多元,包括身障者和跨性別的自我認同、女性身體自主權、民俗信仰、家族尋根和世界級運動員的特殊生命歷程等等。 入選 2024 年 CNEX 國際紀錄片提案大會( CCDF-15 )的20個提案,將於今年7月至9月期間參加線上線下數次培訓,並於9月27日至29日舉辦的 CCDF-15 國際提案大會上,正式向來自全球各地紀錄片業界人士與專家/決策人展示提案內容、展開交流,以面向國際市場為目標,爭取聯合制作/發行與傳播的資源,洽談合作可能性。 *CCDF-15 / IFG-4 合作邀請提案項目: 新北市紀錄片獎:彼岸之島 IM影展:我將停留在哪裡 新鮮提案:那麼遠 這麼近 文策院 TCCF:Queer as Punk Docs by the Sea:Me, My Mother Favorite Monkey、The Myth of Monsters   CCDF-15  / IFG-4入選提案完整名單:   片名 CCDF/ IFG 導演 製片 國別/地區 1 一生二命 Second Round CCDF/ IFG […]
CCDF-14 華人紀錄片提案大會 正式啟動
4/1起徵件開催 CCDF-14華人紀錄片提案大會 影響力投資 好故事徵件 INVESTING FOR GOOD -3 @ CCDF   【#CCDF】 CCDF邁入第14年,每年都吸引大批優秀的紀錄片工作者前來參與,同時世界各地的國際決策人、影展策展人、發行商與製片人士齊聚一堂,共同孕育優質的華語紀錄片。凡與世界各地華人相關的議題提案,並具有國際市場潛力者,皆可參加。 【#IFG INVESTING FOR GOOD@ CCDF】 IFG今年邁入第3年,過去兩屆,我們共選出了16個項目,涵蓋殘障融合、女性平權、環境保護、人口老齡化等多個關注社會發展的議題。我們將與國際導師及決策人一同協助紀錄片作品發揮影響力,促進社會進步。CNEX後續還在入選提案中支持了4個提案完成短片製作,並進一步通過這些作品推動相關議題討論,提升大眾的問題意識。 片長與影片主題類型不限,徵求各種跨媒體形式的創作,無論是 #紀實系列片、#紀錄短片、#紀錄長片 或者 #沉浸式類型 的 #紀錄片提案 都歡迎投遞! ❑ 徵案報名: ❑ 報名期間:2023年4月1日至2023年5月15日23:59前(GMT+8)
第三屆 INVESTING FOR GOOD 影響力投資—好故事徵件入選提案公布!延續去年為社會正義發聲,關注弱勢族群等議題,今年共有 46 件報名,經過評審會議的熱烈討論,最後有8部影片入選,主題包括居住正義、罕見疾病、身障者、新住民等,期待這些討論能夠透過紀錄片的形式,喚起大眾關注,並且促成更多社會對話。 入選的提案將於今年 7 至 9 月期間參加培訓,並於 9 月參與提案大會。經由本次提案大會,將與來自全球的國際培訓講師和決策者(電視台,發行商,影展,基金會和其他為紀錄片提供資金的人士)交流,尋找影片在國際平台上的更多可能性。 INVESTING FOR GOOD 3入選提案共8部(中國大陸6部,臺灣1部,香港1部)。我們衷心期待各位持續關注 INVESTING FOR GOOD 影響力投資及CNEX紀錄片學院相關活動。   IFG-3 入選提案完整名單: 片名 導演 製片 國別/地區 1 一席之地 Have One’s Place in the Sun  王曉凡 李沫筱 中國大陸 China 2 洄游 Ripple 尹航 王誠 中國大陸 China 3 那道陽光在外明媚 The Whisper of Sunlight 黃肇邦 […]