CNEX 以开展文化资源、培育文化创意人才、促进华人社会和谐进步与华人文化的可持续性发展为愿景,期望透过纪实文艺促进国际社会与华人的文化交流。
CNEX 在大变迁的全球化时代,提供华人新一代纪实创作者及其文艺作品的创作与交流平台,帮助更多的专业人士以影音和文字的形式留下华人社会发展的生态轨迹。
1. 文化资源整合:
2. 建立纪实文艺数据库:
以影音创作带动文字论述,以文字论述促进影音创作,为 21 世纪的华人社会留下纪实文艺数据库,促进纪实文艺产业的可持续发展。
自 2007 起连续十年,每年观察该年度华人的精神动向与集体意识,选定与华人社会密切相关的年度主题,号召全球华人对此主题描述、响应、表达、对话,并以此主题进行征案、拍摄、出版、展映、发行等活动。
- 纪录片征案与制作
- 年度主题影展
- 发行与出版
CNEX 的征案补助拍摄不同于一般捐赠性质的补助行为,CNEX 以创造文化产业规模经济为远景,所有的文字报告和影像作品,最终将制成系列出版物向海内外发行推广,创造不容忽视的影响力与历史价值。
第一届 「$」
第二届 「希望与梦想」
第三届 「下一代的家园」
第四届 「危机与转机」
第五届 「青春与公民」
第六届 「教育? 教育!」
2007 开眼.见钱 主题影展
2008 痴人说梦 主题影展
2010 明日家园 主题影展
2011 机不可失 主题影展
2010 CCDF-1
2011 CCDF-2

What is CNEX
CNEX is the short form of “Chinese Next” and “See Next”. It’s a non-profit foundation devoted to the production and promotion of documentaries of the Chinese people. CNEX strives to facilitate cultural exchange between Chinese and the rest of the world through supporting documentaries depicting contemporary Chinese – people of Chinese ethnicity, their living and their society.
CNEX aspires to become a platform supporting Chinese documentary filmmakers to enhance a sustainable strategy for the contemporary Chinese documentary making. CNEX aims to establish and develop a library of global Chinese non-fiction works to preserve visuals and cultures of Chinese communities, especially in a time of unprecedented and rapid changes happening in this ancient culture.
Who We Are
We have a great team consisting of professional filmmakers, passionate staff and volunteers, as well as an expanding advisory board. Three key founding members of CNEX are: Ben Tsiang (Chairman), Ruby Chen (CEO) and Chang Chaowei (Chief Producer).
What We Do
- Annual Thematic Production
There will be a chosen theme announced annually to solicit documentary films, articles, publications, and art works through online and offline submission. This will allow CNEX to produce, collect and disseminate influential works. The goal is to preserve the development history of the Chinese people at the beginning of the 21st century to serve as a memoir for our future generations. - CNEX Documentary Film Festival
Based on the chosen theme of the year, CNEX will host a series of activities to explore and create cultural works, climaxing in the CNEX Documentary Film Festival with workshops and art exhibition - Publication and Distribution
CNEX will invite well-known commentators and culture experts from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong for composing articles or participating in the forums on the chosen theme. It will also promote the documentaries produced and the collated intellectual achievements through diversified channels, campuses exhibitions, cultural venues, international film and TV festivals, overseas Chinese communities, as well as forms of new media.
Theme of the Year
2007: Money
2008: Dreams and Hopes
2009: Next Generation’s Homeland
2010: Crisis & Opportunity
2010 CCDF-1
2011 CCDF-2