董事局成员 |
出生后被拍的第一张照片 念了四年大学外加两年研究所的机械工程 史坦福求学期间 十年新浪是华文网路媒体与商业的终极体现 希望偕我辈之人 把握时代契机 * * * 新浪网合伙创办人 1994 史坦福机械工程硕士毕业 Ben Tsiang, CEO / Board Member |
董事局成员 |
七代以前福建漳州锦湖的祖先过海到了台湾辗转定居松柏常青的松柏岭,寻找更开阔天空的爷爷不耐日出而作日入而息的生活决定到小镇上开创自己的事业最终还是成为财产与儿女的守护者,生下流动着创业天赋血液而喜爱无尽自由的我的父亲,来自另一个小镇的殷实商人的千金最终成了我坚毅果决的母亲。不逊于前人丰富的背景故事,我成为台湾外省第二代电影导演制片人的妻子, 为台湾新电影和中国第六代电影蓬勃的巡弋国际知名电影节贡献过小小的心力。 在台北成长,目睹台湾精彩的经济起飞,人文茂盛。少年时在台北故宫边的美式教育环境学习,时而在知识瀚海中快乐遨游,时而唏嘘华夏文明的蒙尘。青年时融入时代潮流在跨国公司天天奋力的沟通太平洋两岸的物流与金流,因缘际会加入某大国际谘询公司,过去十多年来在为企业出谋划策、汲汲奔忙于全球各大机场之际,目睹祖国史无前例的经济腾飞,观察到同胞物质生活的富足和振翅欲飞的文化艺术想望。几年前全家人终于在多年络驿于途的香港转机之后决定把家安在北京,当Ben和钊维敲门说起纪录21世纪华人生活文化样貌、激发华夏文明活力、寻找新世代华人精神的理想 ,几个人一拍即合开始了CNEX。期许CNEX聚集更多同好,人人努力在隐隐浮现的太平盛世图像中注入华夏新精神文明的色彩。 Ruby Chen, CEO / Board Member
She is the Deputy Director of Executive Education of CEIBS (China Europe International Bussiness School).She is also the Co-Founder and CEO of CNEX and the Executive Supervisor of Chinese Image Visual Industry and Creation Society. She had been with McKinsey & Company since 1992, and left as the Director of Leadership Institute in China prior to joining Peking University in its Bussiness School as the Executive Director for Executive Education in 2009. With her passion to explore talent, support and promote Chinese documentary films internationally, she is the executive producer for almost 30 documentaries, including the award-winning 1428 and KJ: music and life.
董事局成员 |
“文人游于艺,工匠游于技。。。。。” 60年代人,出生在台湾台南市,泉州移民第七代,武庙旁边长大。 用过转盘电话、八厘米摄影机、电唱机、匣式答录机、TELETEXT、V8摄影机、BETA录放影机、8086/88电脑。
办过社团、刊物、地下演唱会。 干过记者、咖啡厅经理、电子报主编、专栏作者、摄影师、编导。
笔名米兰昆,属于影像、文字、音乐、网路多栖类生物。 米兰昆的北京报告http://blog.sina.com.cn/milankun
2004年加入新加坡运行视觉制作公司担任制片人,参与数部国际频道专题片与纪录片的策划制作。 2005年搬到北京居住。 目前担任香港阳光卫视纪录片制作总监
钊维是CNEX的发起人之一,对CNEX的信念是:”网路影像时代的”新青年”” Chang Chaowei, Chief Producer / Board Member |
董黎滢 | ||||
董黎滢是现任瑞士银行财富管理慈善部门主管, 为高资产客户提供慈善事业的谘询服务并提供慈善构架的专业意见。董拥有超过10年管理经验,曾于南加州大学、帝博大学、港基国际银行有限公司及香港国际学校担任重要职位。
Christina L. Y. Tung, Board Member Prior to UBS, Christina held diverse and progressively responsible positions at the University of Southern California, DePaul University, International Bank of Asia, and Hong Kong International School. She has experience in philanthropy program, fundraising campaign, donor relations, event management, marketing and communications. Before joining the non-profit sector, she worked in the advertising and marketing communications field. A native of the Pacific Rim, Christina has lived and benefited from both Eastern and Western cultures. She speaks fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese, and understands Shanghainese. She holds a Master degree in Communication Management from University of Southern California and a Bachelor degree in Law from University of London. |
CNEX北京 |
制作协调 |
出生在泰安,身份证上写着青岛,户口落在武汉,工作却在北京的典型中国式流动人口。 爱好广泛,泛而不精。电影、音乐、文学、足球、红酒……五毒俱全
理工科出身,中途不堪忍受,丢下IT民工的光明前途,义无反顾转投电影学…… 总结起来,这是个表里不一的家伙,表面上似乎沉稳持重,骨子里却是一个不靠谱的浪漫主义分子。希望这一生能够体味不同的生活经验,种葡萄,牧牛羊,远航出海,环游世界……
Zhiwei Feng, Production Coordinator CNEX Beijing |
经 理 | 刘 蕊
1981.01-2003.11 北京
2006.10-北京 CNEX Amie Liu, Manager, CNEX Beijing |
制片人 |
曾就职于江森自控(布鲁塞尔),从事内部审计工作。奔波于欧洲各地和各大机场,逐渐向环游世界的梦想靠近。现在的梦想在纪录片。希望可以将CNEX的网络纪录片频道建成一个百家争鸣、有启发性、有作用力的平台。 本科毕业于北京大学,获会计学和数学与应用数学双学士学位。后就读宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院,获MBA学位。
Leer Cheng, Producer, CNEX Beijing Leer holds a MBA degree from the Wharton School, and a double bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Mathematics from Peking University.
CNEX台北 |
吴 凡
喜欢猫。 Fan Wu, Executive Deputy General Manager / Festival Director, CNEX Taipei |
着迷于故事,喜欢探寻故事的不同版本,以及说法。 贺照缇是独立制作人及导演,多年来以边缘的非主流议题为拍摄对象, 贺照缇因其独特的影片视野,作品曾在国内外影展展出,获奖无数。 HO Chao-ti, Production Director, CNEX Taipei Ho Chao-ti is an independent producer and director. For several years she has made films centered on marginalized communities and non-mainstream issues, such as the impact of globalization and contemporary cultural hybridity. Due to her unique vision, Ho Chao-ti’s works have been featured in film festivals round the world, receiving numerous awards. With a rich and complex cinematic vocabulary, her films, distinguished by their artistic expression, have been screened at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. In recent years she has released a series of documentaries on international issues, to wide acclaim. |
那时候只知道电视是最好的朋友 在电影院看电影是怎样的感觉几乎一无所知 20岁时每个月都要在课堂拍几部短片
每月都爆肝在黑暗中与影像漫舞 慢慢的知道影像这玩意儿不是普通人能做的 30岁时片刻都在CNEX与纪录片溷着
谈的全是怎么拍怎么卖怎么推广 与一群对纪录片有狂热的电影囝仔继续疯狂ing… 现在,最好是每人每天都CNEX!!!!
Amber LI, Production Coordinator, CNEX Taipei
At ten, she woke up early everyday to watch her favorite cartoon. At that time TV is her best friend and she had no feelings about watching a movie in the cinema. At twenty she had to shoot several short flims every month in the class, and gradually knew it’s not easy for ordinary people to make a movie.
At thirty she is working on documentary every moment in CNEX, talking about how to shoot,sell and promote them, crazy with guys who are mad with documentaries.
Now she hopes to go to CNEX everyday with everybody.
喜欢音乐电影与阅读, 认为剧情片是在构筑的空间里说故事,
纪录片则是在真实的情境中说故事, 各自具有不同风情的魅力,同样抚慰心灵。 所以能够把自己喜欢的东西当成工作,
是一件让自己最开心的事。 Syuan CHIEN, Marketing & Project Planner, CNEX Taipei
She loves music, movie,reading,novelties ,beautiful scene and listening to stories. Her character is full of contradictions,so she is always fanscinated by unpredicable things .In her mind there is a constructed world in feature films and a real world in documentary films,which are all charming and soothe the soul.The happist thing for her is to work on something she loves and she’ve made it now. |
但因为物理数学太糟糕 从此在平面的世界里闯荡 做设计工作年数不长
从百元快炒菜单到春呐活动手册都做过 设计风格很胡来,通常是想到什么做什么 如果不做设计,可能会成为一个谈判专家或短跑选手 电影的启蒙是9岁时,爸爸带我去青年公园看露天电影 ,
白幕上拨放的黑白台语片《地狱新娘》,至今都还记得电影大宅地窖里的恐怖片段… 喜欢电影里的人都不用吃饭、不用睡觉、不用工作、还很有钱 CNEX让我愉快的是
可以将设计与电影这两样我喜欢的东西牵在一起 Faye CHEN, Graphic Designer, CNEX Taipei
Faye CHEN, Graphic Designer, CNEX Taipei |
来自很年幼时爸爸替人家拍摄婚宴 还有我和弟弟在家中唱歌嬉戏的录像片段 由超八米到录像带 那些珍贵的零星画面 至今仍在流转 后来爸爸跟友人合伙开了家影视店
里头有一种被受冷落的类型片称为F片 内容主要是某国风情画或动物世界的种种 这小小的店没有引发我对纪录片的好奇 却成功迷惑我爱上光影交错的世界 大学三年,我在比较文学和后花园的温室中
造就了最美好的校园时光 这三年后的三年 跑到英国先后修读风马牛不相及的社会政策和媒体管理的硕士课程 然后正式遇上纪录片 为不谙中文的纪录片工作者筹备拍摄、资料搜集、翻译… 隔着半个地球 并发现documentary的魔力 如今每天乐于在现实与影像中
继续寻找、观想、纪录 浮浮沉沉缘起不灭的人海故事 Ada Li, Manager, CNEX Hong Kong
My earliest memory of documentaries came from dad, a wedding video photographer, and from the super 8 home videos he shot of my brother and I. These precious celluloid moments continue to be my prized possession.
Later dad opened a video store where sets of VHS tapes containing images of nature and animals sat quietly in the corner. Although they didn’t peak my interest for documentaries, my fascination for a world of larger-than-life was then formed.
As a college junior in Comparative Literature, my flirts with films created the best of times. My official involvement in documentaries came from doing pre-production, research and translation work for non-Chinese filmmakers in England. Half a world away, the power and impact of documentaries gripped me.
Now, back to Hong Kong, I spend my days searching for, looking at, reveling and documenting the beautiful fragments of reality. |
心里一闹别扭,来了个360度大转弯,念了门电影,主攻animation。 游玩了7年,是时候修心养性。 此时,我遇上了CNEX。 没有故事的人,更愿意倾听别人的故事。 于是效彷蒲松龄,在CNEX铺了苇席,煮一锅绿豆汤。 Danielle, ZHANG Bin,Project Coordinator, CNEX Hong Kong |